“Meh-Row-Koh-Day” Introduction

Good afternoon,

It’s 6 minutes till 13:00, so good afternoon! (*≧▽≦)

I go by my pen name, “Mero Kode”. Mero is fine.


I’m creating a personal blog. This is a space for me to express everything that I love and hopefully make a living for doing what I love, so I’ll be experimenting with this corner until content is good.

If I had to make categories for my life then I would label it as technology, art, travel, foreign languages, health, and philosophy.


I’m majoring in computer science. I will be graduating on May 2017. The type of technology that I’m interested are virtual/augmented/mixed reality, game development, and Android.

Microsoft Holographic Hackathon June 2016


I’m really interested in 3D modeling and UX design for art. Every time I create a project, I don’t have art to make my project more user friendly. Aside from technical art, I practice makeup, specifically partial-uneven monolid makeup and fashion. I do photography too!

A corner bookmark that I made in Jan 3, 2013. The character is a gremlin pet from the Nexon game, Vindictus.


I’ve travelled to New York City (NY, USA), Boise (ID, USA), San Francisco Bay Area (CA, USA), Los Angeles County (CA,USA), San Diego (CA, USA), Toisan (China),  and Japan.

The above image is my favorite from Japan. It’s a serene peaceful night in the residential area that I stayed near the Shinjuku-Higashi station.

I like adventures such as hiking, strolling on the beach, and wandering around bustling cities.

I’m hit with wanderlust! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧

JFK Airport

Foreign Languages

My native languages are English, Taishanese, and Cantonese.

I understand some Japanese. I would say my level might be N1 but I didn’t take the test (yet) so I’m not sure. Currently, I’m self-studying French on Duolingo. I’m at 5% fluency. I can’t wait for the Japanese one to release from beta!

forgot how to write “How are you?” in French


Diet is hard. Very hard. I’m trying to be vegetarian and exercise at the gym at least 20 minutes everyday.

Last two summers, I tried weight lifting and that was so awesome! In 50 days of simple diet and around 40-60 minutes of weightlifting and cardio, there were visible and drastic results. I also like cooking at home!

my massive bulging muscles lol jk


I believe that have a strong foundation of philosophy in life will get you far especially when you take action on your words. So, I’ll be doing self-reflection about my life, but I won’t be forcing  you to learn from my mistakes on my morals. Instead see it is mostly talk from my point of view.


What You Will Gain From This Blog

I’m more of a practical person, so I want to reflect that from my blog. I will be mostly giving honest tips and advice from own experience and how others can benefit to learn from my mistakes and gains.

I like to keep my words short and to the point, but there are downsides to doing that. I don’t like to float around the subject and get straight to it, so I can appear to be a bit harsh or brutally honest on posts, so do not take to heart and take it with a grain of salt.

